The 19th MnMs' Week – #CriticalMineralsCriticalStrategy

Metallurgy and Materials Week or MnMs’ Week is the biggest annual series of events held by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Indonesia. MnMs’ is a series of events that gathers several parties, including Governments, Industries, Researchers, Students, Lecturers, and Public to discuss metallurgy and materials issues while coming up with the best suitable solutions.


Synchronizing Indonesia towards The Enhancement of National Economic Growth with Materials Technology Development and Its Advanced Deployment in Renewable Energy

Unveiling Indonesia’s Technological Development to Support Sustainability and Public Welfare: Is Our Nation Ready to Face the Era of Electric Vehicles
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
“MnMs’ Week has been successfully organized for 17 years and has provided many educational benefits to students and the industrial community. Sustainable mineral downstreaming as this year’s topic will be very interesting to be discussed by all relevant parties.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bambang Suharno
Lecturer in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering University of Indonesia
“MnMs’ is one of the prestigious events at the University of Indonesia. It is very exciting to attend various seminars with competent speakers while participating in the competitions held. I believe that this year’s event can be a medium and catalyst for students to develop and enhance their knowledge.”
Adhimas Aryasatya Hanura
Essay and Poster Competition Workshop Speaker in The 16th MnMs’ Week
“By focusing on the downstream sector, this event will show how committed we are to tackling environmental concerns and promoting responsible resource management. Not only raise awareness about the importance of sustainability, but it’ll also encourage everyone to collaborate and come up with innovative ideas.”
David Fernando Aritonang
Best Science and Technology Student Achievers in University of Indonesia